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Multi generational living has come full circle over the last few decades.

A concept that was popular in Australia in the 1950's and 60's, and remains part of the norm in Europe, has returned and the last five to ten years has seen an increase in two or three generations living under the same roof.

This has been largely due to affordability and the surge in housing prices throughout Australia, but also by the notion that it makes good sense for a family of all ages to live under one roof. Parents, children and grandparents can all benefit from living with each other and relying on each other for unconditional support.

The success of this type of living is largely due to how well the overall spaces are designed. For successful multigenerational living designated zones, boundaries and private spaces are essential for all ages. Vertical living, self contained spaces, as well as communal spaces are required. As young children turn into teenagers and require their independence, private entry points and additional car parking should also be considered.

There are a variety of architects and designers worldwide that have tackled multi generational living. In Melbourne Australia, some of those designers include Austin Maynard Architects, Matt Gibson Architecture + Design, Po-co Architecture, and for a sustainable modular solution Modscape.

As design typologies and housing types diversify worldwide, each family should consider what type of housing works best for them. High density living has become a major driver in changing the way we approach family living and housing design, it is now less about the former Australian 'large single dwelling on the large suburban block' housing archetype and more about the shared economy and shared family housing.

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